Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new writing apprenticeship

Now that my end-of-year technical writing projects have scared me half to death and now gone, I can return to making posts to this blog.

During the holidays I reflected on what I'd like to achieve this year, and dang it, I still have story ideas which I haven't put down on paper yet, so this year I'm determined to do it.

When I got started in technical writing I had the good fortune of having an experienced technical writer mentor me into the business. He gave me plenty of samples of his work and the work of others and I got a feel for what was involved. I even picked up on his healthy cynicism about working with engineers, and to this day that has helped me not get emotionally attached to specifications. Nothing is ever as initially promised.

But for fiction writing however, I haven't had that same regular exposure to someone working in the business, apart from the occasional seminar which I've written about before.

Last year I discovered one full-time fiction writer who has created what looks like a comprehensive mentorship program into living day by day as a fiction writer. This is just like what I had on the job when I became a technical writer. So maybe this well work for me as well.

I considered doing an MA in creative writing at a local university, but the costs are exorbitant and I'm not sure if it would really give me what I'm after.

Holly Lisle on the other hand is a full-time novelist (her books are everywhere) and the cost of her program is peanuts compared to other writing programs.

My plan is work through her course at my own pace as the year progresses and attempt to develop this side of my writing.

Check back to see how I progress.

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